Critical Thinking Guide

Get your FREE Critical Thinking Guide with our Review Giveaway!

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We have developed a useful guide for everyone and are looking to get some feedback before the final version goes “to press”.

So, we’re offering our Critical Thinking Guide for FREE to ten people in exchange for some quick feedback once you’ve finished reading it. This guide is packed with practical information that can really help you sharpen your critical thinking skills.

If you’re ready to get this now, fill out the form below. Only 10 spots available, first come first served. Are you willing to read the 37-page guide and send email us your feedback within 7 days?

Critical Thinking Booklet Header

Ten review participants will be chosen at random from the pool of submissions. Thank you for participating.

Simply fill out this form and send it back to us.

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We simply ask that you please read the booklet and email us back with your feedback. This is a way for us to find out what readers think about the booklet before we finalize the edits. This offe...