
As a community service, we will pass along some of the requests we receive from third parties seeking help on film and event productions. We refer candidates we feel would be a good match to these parties.
See our disclaimer below.

Film Set

Current Requests

PLease check back soon. Gigs are posted periodically.

I’m interested in the above gig. Please feel free to forward my contact information to the requestingparty.

Please use your first and Last Name
Use Ctrl Key to select more than one
Please use this space to tell us a bit about yourself and/or your qualifications.

By submitting this form, I acknowledge to have read and agreed to the disclaimer on this page.

Recent Requests

Gig:Sound mixer x Indie film.
Compensation: $165/12. Pay, housing and food provided.
Schedule:4 days – Saturday, March 23- Tuesday, March 26
Request Status:FILLED
Location:Filming on a large ranch in Hernando Indie Horror- Skinwalker Island
Additional Details:Can use own equipment and negotiate rate on equipment
Gig:Script Supervisor for an Indie Horror film in Crystal River. Scripty experience required.
Pay Rate:$170/Day
Schedule:4 days in March 2024 and 20 days in April 2024
Request Status:FILLED
Location:Crystal River/Inverness Area, Florida
Additional Details:Other details to be discussed directly with the requesting party should they contact you.


We operate a large community of people in the independent film industry, currently centered around Central Florida. Many of our members operate in today’s “Gig Economy”, either full-time, or to supplement their income. Due to our ties to many in our community, we receive requests for “gig workers” (independent contractors) on a regular basis.
Since we strive to mentor and support our members as best as we can, we are now providing a semi-automated referral service. We attempt to screen any requests made for staffing or other business needs made to us. This program is only open to active members of the Organization of Indepndent Filmmakers. If the requesting party is known to us and is in good standing, we will expidite referrals to them. At times, the requesting party may not be known by us directly; therefore it is up to anyone receiving a referral from us to diligently check the authenticity and quality of the offer before accepting. This referral service is currently provided for FREE to users. Use of this service is at your own risk. We cannot gurantee a requesting party’s behavior. By participating in this program, you understand the foregoing and hold Sunbelt Productions, its owners, managers, staff, gents, and affiliates harmless from any liability that may arise direclty or indirectly from your use of this program.
We are not an employment agent. Any information supplied here is fro informational purposes only.

Note: Sunbelt Productions does not receive compensation for referrals. This may change in the future should this program require added resources to manage nad conduct.